Patsy Stillitano
Patsy Stillitano NSAM-CPT, Tier 3 Personal Trainer at Equinox: NYC. Contributing Wellness Writer and Consultant.
“If you’re not hungry, don’t eat, but if you are, do!” That’s the straightforward Italian culture that Patsy Stillitano grew up with, living his life, unaware of others facing eating challenges until he was an adult. The brother of playwright, Carl Stillitano, Patsy is a staunch supporter of Carl’s THE DONUT SHOP. “To me, the most profound aspect of this play is how it affects people who have no connection whatsoever to any type of eating disorder,” Patsy said. “I’ve seen & heard firsthand how eating disorders have impacted people’s relationships and overall outlook on life.
THE DONUT SHOP makes people open up and take a deep look inside at what really matters… even create deeper lines of communication in their relationships.”
Patsy is an NSAM-CPT, Tier 3 Personal Trainer at Equinox: New York City. He consistently experiences extreme body-conscious clients who strive to constantly impress others, push their physical limits and reach their maximum performance levels. “In today’s ‘how many likes/followers society’, it can be difficult for adolescents to find their footing,” Patsy says. “This play can serve as a wonderful tool so that they can better develop their sense of self and the strength needed to thrive and ignore the noise.”
“Everyone’s got issues with food and it’s insane how body-conscious our society has become. There’s this diet, there’s that diet, the amount of people in America on a diet is alarming,” Patsy says. “THE DONUT SHOP can only help, even if just on a subconscious level – it resonates with people – it’s resonating even with guys like me. It gives people an understanding of themselves – it can’t help but inspire people to reflect on its content.”
Patsy’s motto is “The best way to predict the future is to create it,” and he believes THE DONUT SHOP can be instrumental in helping readers and those who act out the play to create a brighter future, free from the constraints and frustrations that paralyze those with eating disorders.
Patsy’s GIVES
Patsy’s GIVES to THE DONUT SHOP include being a contributing wellness writer and consultant, guest teaching at MALIBU GIVES and appearances on Donut Wellness Panels. Patsy is a Sorenity Rocks Malibu Wellness tool collaborator and Crystal Interactive Trainer.
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