Rebecca Spina


Rebecca Spina is THE DONUT SHOP Lead Designer of Donut Jewelry, MALIBU GIVES 501c3 and jewelry manager of Sorenity Rocks Malibu.

Rebecca notes that she “was far too young to be that consumed with the possibility of being “heavy”. Reflecting on how impressionable youngsters are when they have such an experience, she added, “I think having read The Donut Shop when I was young would have been potentially life-changing. I would have been so engrossed in the characters’ dialogue and felt so connected to the subject matter that it would have created a sense of comfort and openness around the issues.” 

“I support The Donut Shop because I feel its content is relevant and purposeful in bringing awareness to certain issues that plague our society today,” Rebecca says. “I believe that eating disorders are so common, they are often overlooked.  For me, The Donut Shop not only brings awareness to these issues, but it does so in a way that really leaves you thinking.
I believe the play can inspire those who read it, or act it out, to get truthful with themselves – to deal with their own issues. They may grow to empathize with someone around them who may be suffering from one of these disorders.” 

Rebecca’s GIVES

Rebecca is lead jewelry designer for MALIBU GIVES and has served as the jewelry manager and a designer with Sorenity Rocks Malibu for 15 years. The Donut Shop Shop offers a unique collection of beautiful donut jewelry lines that assist in the play’s fundraising and offers crystal wellness you can wear.  In addition to Rebecca’s own Donut Jewelry, “Lenise and I curate Donut Jewelry for those Donut Ambassadors who would like to create a custom donut jewelry design; we infuse their unique personalities, design preferences and specific crystal choices for healing and wellness.” This provides Donut Ambassadors a uniquely designed product to assist their efforts to raise for the Donut Movement. To check out the Donut Jewelry, go to: The Donut Shop Shop.

Rebecca’s GIVES also includes designing Kids Crystal Wellness Games, Parenting Tips and Serving as a jewelry-making coach. 

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